
On The Menu



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Some things found on the interweb:

List of the 50 best food blogs (TimesOnline)

Rating doctors like restaurants (NYTIMES)

I found this blog while looking for a recipe for Chau aka Congee (Taste of Home)

Congrats to two future Sooners for making the McDonald's All American Game! TMG and Tiny are going to fit in perfectly. (ESPN)

I'll have more on Top Chef later, but a nice recap here (LATIMES)

Once again the guys from the Sandbox at WFNX has given me inspiration. They were talking about the McRib the other day, one of the greatest sandwiches of all time. Just like the chili cheese burrito of Taco Bell, the McRib is not available at all McDonalds. Very unfair. Someone has taken the courtesy of making a website that will help you locate a McRib. Looks like a trip to Hyde Park, NY is going to be in my near future. (McRib Locator)


Why don't you try to make your own McRib?? And then have me over to try it!

Hi guys,

Speaking of links... I wanted to let you know that I changed my URL and was hoping that you could update my link on the right sidebar. My new URL is: www.bostonfoodandwhine.blogspot.com
Also, if you would like... I could link back to you as well. Just let me know at bostonfw@gmail.com


DUH... that's my OLD URL. New URL is: www.bostonfoodandwhine.com

Sorry about that... I'm losing it!